Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day one...sort of

In case you didn't know, I'm a cynic. Actually, according to most people who know me I'm a "sassy cynic".  I may be sassy. I may be a cynic. I may have just acquired a Winestein for christmas. Well, to each his own. My mass culture New Year's resolution?

I am starting a Blog to chart the days of 2011.

Writing a daily blog about your life is the 20th century version of a journal. It is white noise on the internet. But its my white noise and if I'm the only one who ever reads or updates this so be it, I'll know I did something. So there.

Because you asked...This resolution came to me quite quickly, while I was drinking from my Winestein about a few hours ago. In general, I find most days pass with insignificance. Days within a year are kind of like a stack of pancakes. You remember the first one, you remember the last one. But the middles are hardly ever noteworthy. Depressing but true. So this year, I decided to be less cynic-sassy, and try to find something noteworthy to remember every day. It may be small, but it will exist. And if by 11:59 p.m. I don't have anything to share, I will find something to do which will make the day remembered. I apologize to my roommates, now.

I may fail this mission (since i have the attention-span of a mole rat), but I figure its worth a shot. I have nothing to lose, right?

The 365 significances are self-explanatory. The 365 persuasions is the little extra to my year-long assignment. Along with finding something significant about every day, I will venture my opinion on a subject matter as well.  Mostly i decided to include this because I go through most of the day with an inner monologue/opinion on anything and everything that happens to me throughout the day. Not only is it an inner monologue. It is an inner monologue that edits itself to be more grammatically correct. There's only two ways to reduce the spell/grammar check inner monologue/opinion...either write it down or see a shrink. I figure i'll try the former first and see how it goes.

Finally, I chose the username "Mockingbored" for several reasons:

1. To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book.
2. If I could be any animal, I would want to be a bird. And knowing me, I'd probably be snarky. Ergo...
3. I just finished reading The Hunger Games trilogy. If you haven't read it, read it. In the books, they talk about mockingbirds a lot. (Well, mockingjays but....)
4. I was going to just keep it Mockingbird, but then I made a typo when writing my choice of username..."mockingbord" was the outcome. I liked it, but thought it needed some sprucing.

So yea thats Day one. Technically it is January 2nd, but give me a break, I came up with this idea at 11. That just means 2 entries on 2. Betcha can't wait!


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