Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20: Taking the EZ way out

Significant moment of the day: Helping a woman create memories for her granddaughter

I went back to hospice today. I worked with a woman who has been fighting breast cancer for nearly ten years. She's been through hell and back. And today? I helped her record Hallmark books to give to her granddaughter. It wasn't easy for her, or for me to get her to do it. But for the hour I was there, we managed to get through one book. I learned so much about her life, struggle and survival. When I left today, not knowing if i would ever see that woman again, I knew I shouldn't give up on therapeutic recreation. Because God knows I wouldn't want a patient to give up either.

and on a completely different note.....

Y illitericy maykes mi naht wahnt two bye Amurrican.

Okay, the above statement may be a bit of an exaggeration. But we've all seen the signs for businesses like EZ mart, Kwik Fill, or Soap N Sudz. And my question is...why?

Why do companies think that misspelling a word is appealing to customers? That it in some way is clever and creative? Because its not. Its just plain dumb, and makes me to make a poignant effort not to shop there. Maybe its to save money on lettering. But I doubt it.

Here's the way I see it. Either:

A) Companies think somehow miss-spelling words makes its business more appealing to the general middle class public. Think about it. Do you see misspelled establishments on Newbury Street or 5th avenue? No. But on the interstate towns? They're more common than flies on a windshield. Why? To appeal the masses that pass by it. In all honesty, I think companies develop a business' image to look more like an Average Joe establishment rather than a Fortune 500. That way, people aren't intimidated or put off to shop there. But if misspelling words or misusing grammar is really the strategy used to attract the general public, I'm insulted.

B) If they can't spell out a word, or spell it incorrectly, what can they do? Seriously. If you spell Quick "Kwik"... you should not be fit to run a business or give customers a service.  I realize that illiteracy is an issue in America, but come on. Maybe some children SHOULD be left behind until they properly know the difference between "to" and "2". Until then, I will not promote illiteracy than pumping my gas at Kum N' Goes (one because thats a new level of sad, and two I don't want to know what is being pumped in to my car).
Just covering the bases?
In conclusion, if businesses want my patronage, they better start using spell check. Until then, I'll spend a little more time and money across the street at a business that has clearly been hooked on Phonics.

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