Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26: Only the good die young

Significant moment of the day: I applied for the camp in Scotland

Well... its official. Wednesdays are terrible. 5 classes in twelve hours is not fun. Luckily amongst the French Revolution, TR process and having a writing teacher thoroughly dislike my 6 sentence story; i found the time to apply for that volunteer camp position in Scotland. Initially, I figured it wouldnt be worth it to even apply. I mean...its only one week and the paperwork for the visa/background check would be overwhelming, granted they even accept me into the program. But then i figured... why the hell shouldn't I apply? What do I really have to lose. Nothing! So...we'll see how that goes. Fingers-crossed!

Opinion of the day: The top five television shows that went off the air far too soon.

I decided to go with this discussion for today because at this moment, I am watching one of these five fallen soldiers. The episode is called Death Defying. My question is..which of the five series listed has this episode? I'll give whoever comments on this first a prize. are the five tv shows that ended far too soon.

5.The Adventures of Brisco County Junior
Bruce Campbell + Science Fiction+ Socrates Poole = Best Western television show ever. I mean...that show had something for everyone. The series only ran for 27 episodes on Fox but it was so entertaining. I still have half the series to watch but if its anywhere near as good as the first 14 episodes, I don't really need to finish the series to know it ended too soon.

4. Dead like Me
What does an actress from Gone with the Wind, the inventor of leg warmers, a british drug addict, Inigo Montoya have in common? Uh... they're all grim reapers? Yes. Running for two seasons,  this show had so many loose ends they never tied up which drives me crazy. Also, the memory of this great show was tarnished by the terrible 2009 movie that followed the grim reapers five years after the series ended.

 3. Freaks and Geeks

Um.. Jason Segel, James Franco, Seth Rogen, and my future husband John Francis Daley? Need I say more. Nope.... but I will! Its such a great depiction of high school that it never gets old. Its just hilarious overall. One season of pure comic genius and 8o's-tastic lifestyle. Happy days.

2. Firefly
Along the same lines as Brisco County Jr....its genre is....a space western. I mean...thats just two unconquered frontiers the characters have to deal with. This show had such an amazing cast, and a great mix of action, adventure and comedy. This show remains one of my top ten favorite shows after just one season. Plus, Serenity (its follow-up movie) was wicked good.

1. Pushing Daisies
A tv series about a pie-maker who can wake the dead with the touch of his finger, but only for a minute otherwise something else must die in its place. Teaming up with a private eye to solve crimes, throw in an unconventional romance, and a few musical numbers? TV Gold. This tv series was so enchanting and made every episode incredible with its animation, writing and acting. I wish I could reawaken this series with the touch of a finger...I mean. I can by using the DVD player...but its not the same.

Also... can I just say:
1) poor Bryan Fuller. Pushing Daisies and Dead Like Me were both his creations and they are brilliant. He also created a show called Wonderfalls, which is on my list of shows I need to see.
2) Fox is pretty much determined to ruin every good show in existence. Firefly and Brisco County? Plus Drive, Fringe... and plenty more.

Stupid Fox.