Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3: There's no "me" in exercise, and no "exercise" in me.

Significant moment of the day: Dancing on a fast-moving treadmill

Yep. I did. First of all, let me say it was the best workout i've had in months.  Actually, it's the ONLY workout I've had in months, if we're being honest. But more on that later. For a person who claims to have no rhyme, no grace and no moves whatsoever, I was the bloody Lord of the Dance upon that treadmill. Aside from the two times I nearly fell on my face, I was a criss-crossing, charlie-browning, salsa dancing, side stepping, charleston bopping machine for thirty minutes. Well, twenty to twenty-five. Apparently, if you give me a new ipod, a treadmill in my basement, and absolutely no witnesses... I actually make an effort to exercise. 

Now you may say why is that noteworthy? Well let me ask you this: when was the last time you grapevined on a treadmill? I rest my case.

Segway to my comment of the day...Why exercise and me do not co-exist well.

I hate running. I find unless you're late for class, you're in immediate danger or there are limited free samples of ice cream in the vicinity, there is no reason to run. However, I woke up today and decided that its been far too long since I exercised for the sake of exercising. Well, Lord knows I exercise my wit often enough, but that's taken years of training.

The worst part is that i have absolutely no reason not to exercise daily. I make the argument "I never have time and if i did, it wouldn't be used for exercising". The fact is, the school gym is a stone-throw away from my place. From my apartment bedroom, I can see happy people leaving with their cool off towels around their necks and that glow of satisfaction. God I hate those people. 

At home, I'm not any better. "I'm on break, the roads are tiny, it's cold" are usually the main arguments.  Truth is, I would much rather sit on my couch, eat Oreo's and watch Let's Make a Deal followed by Price is Right. Don't's great fun.  At school, instead of sucking it up and going to the gym for thirty minutes I would rather procrastinate and try to break my Robot Unicorn Attack record (which I did, today!) .

 The thing is, as long as I'm home for break and there's a private treadmill/dance studio for use, I now have no excuse to not exercise. Damn. 


  1. favorite line: "Well, Lord knows I exercise my wit often enough, but that's taken years of training."

    And now I am going to go to the gym because you inspired me.

  2. hahaha I use this account for student blog stuff.
