Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25: Maybe my posts wouldn't be so lame if i did them at a decent hour...?

Significant moment of the day: Phone interview for a summer internship in Georgia? Heck yes!

Oh look at me, I'm growing. I had my first phone interview today for a position relevant to what I want to do in my life (hopefully). You know, I like phone interviews. I literally woke up, made coffee and answered the phone. No getting dressed up or awkward conversations about finding the place. Just me sitting on my bed, hair a tumble and a pair of sweats.

In all honesty, i think the interview went well. Although now that I say that, I've probably doomed myself. Yikes, bikes. Oh well. I'm trying not to get too invested because if i don't get the position, it isn't the end of the world. Plus, its in Georgia... for ten weeks. ALSO I just found a camp for children with terminal diseases in SCOTLAND. Which combines two of my favorite things... Scotland and working with kids with terminal diseases. So that may be an option. Although that is only one week...
Best camp ever. 
Anyways, thats my life. Besides that first week of school is going by extremely slow... I'm going to start looking for a job for the semester... while I'm looking for work this summer. Fun.

Opinion of the day: I miss summer

Not that there will probably be a summer to miss this year. If i do my job correctly, I will be working either in Georgia, Scotland (yes, please), Connecticut, Boston or Maine. Possibly a combo of more than one. But nevertheless, I seriously miss summer.

Its not even the no-school aspect that makes summer great...its the warm weather, read a book on the beach, lie out in the sun for hours, meet up with friends for hours that makes it the best season. The fact that it was 28 degrees today and it felt warm to me is just plain sad.

I miss this feeling. 
Winter is just depressing. After Christmas and New Years, i would be perfectly happy transitioning into spring then and there. Wouldn't that be awesome? January first, a lovely snow storm. On January second, all the snow would be melted, the weather would be warm and the flowers would be in bloom. There would probably be serious repercussions in other areas of the world (like monster hurricanes) but it would be nice.

Instead we get 3 months of grey weather and skies that never seem to know what they want to do. Its cold, black boots must remain hidden to avoid the stupid salt stains and everyone gets fat. Its just terrible.

Maybe Georgia is my top pick after all. At least they have peaches.
Well...not these peaches. But still good.

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